October 2020

Americans will go to the polls on 3 November. We Germans have no say in the election, but like Americans, we have a stake in the outcome. In fact, the entire world has a stake in the outcome.

The coronavirus crises have shown more than anything else in the past, that the world is really interconnected, just in case anyone ever doubted it.

Whoever wins the election on 3 November will preside over the aftermath of the coronavirus-crises and the rebuilding of the world economy in its wake. This will require a world-wide effort and alliances must strengthened and, in some cases, new ones forged. It is a task that will define an entire generation all over the world.

For this, leadership is required. The United States must be part of that leadership. 

The United States of America and Germany have been partners in the transatlantic family, which has contributed to prosperity and world peace for over 75 years. This partnership is important and must be employed in dealing with the aftermath of the coronavirus crises both politically and economically.  

The world needs the United States to reengage and engage in the pressing issues of our times. Without the participation of the United States, badly needed consensus on the international stage will be near impossible to achieve.

With this in mind, we in Germany and at the vbw are watching the outcome of the elections with a great deal of interest and a sense of anticipation about how we are going to work together on issues that would set the world towards economic recovery in the wake of coronavirus crises.

We stand with the American voters as they cast the ballots that will help decide the direction the world will take in the next four years.

We wish you all the best of outcomes.

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