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Dear Readers,

as we approach the beginning of the fourth quarter of the year, we take time to reflect on how our lives and livelihoods have been greatly affected and forever changed by the Covid-19 crises. 

The corona virus has inadvertently ushered us into the twenty first century. The way we have worked, the way we learn, the way we socialize and all the infrastructure that has grown to support these activities are being challenged. In their place, we are now truly, squarely in the very beginnings of what we have been talking about in Germany for about the last five years, which is “industry 4.0” and the role digital technology will play in our lives in the twenty first century.

During this pandemic we have been forced to work remotely, factories have been forced to use more networked technologies, students and educators have fully embraced e-learning and virtual classrooms. We believe that in some areas, these changes would be largely irreversible.

With these changes, we face challenges in many areas of our economy that were built on and have been sustained by analog infrastructural modalities. We must diligently manage this transition to avoid a massive disruption in our societies as a result 

We now call on our elected leaders to continue to build, secure and optimize the digital infrastructure as well as take advantage of the growing field of artificial intelligence to create more opportunities for growth in our industries and new employment opportunities in the emerging fields.

We are proud to be partners in seeking the best solutions to help sustain and grow our economies and support our societies.

Bertram Brossardt

Bertram Brossardt

Bertram Brossardt


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