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Volker Leinweber

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Volker Leinweber

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Aktuell 966 Einträge (Stand 11.02.2025)

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Ashok Chadda


Walpersdorfer Straße 53
91126 Schwabach





Powersem GmbH, founded in 1985, in Schwabach, Germany, by Madan Mohan Chadda, is a company devoted 100% to the design, development and production of multiple chip semiconductor modules. Today, POWERSEM is considered as one of the world leaders in supplying isolated base packaged modules for standard, fast single, three phase, half and fully controlled power semiconductor modules including solid state relays. POWERSEM GmbH has also successfully developed strategic alliances with high tech silicon foundries, showing a total commitment to serve its customers, now and in the future. These small but thermal efficient mini circuit modules provide the ‘SINGLE PACKAGE’ concept, which can be used as single devices in series or parallel replacing SOT-227, TO-247 discretes as well as older standard dual multiple chip modules traditionally supplied by various competitors. Currents from 8 – 230 Amperes and voltages up to 1800 Volts are standard. POWERSEM continues to innovate new modular power semiconductor solutions for the demanding requirements of the electronic industry and provides excellent quality and reliability. The basis for this High-Tech integrations, using Multiple Chip Technology (MCT) and a single package module, provides the customer with a complete solution. In order to achieve these goals, a continuous investment in automated production and quality control is being constantly made. Due to an increasing power demanding world, manufacturers of many products are seeking higher power integrated multiple chip modules. Powersem is prepared to offer these value-added products for markets ranging from switch-mode power supplies, automation, motor drives, medical applications, etc., including hybrid/electric vehicles. 100% optical and electrical testing of the modules is installed to maintain the highest quality and reliability of all our products. All modules are UL certified and all processes are optimized according to DIN ISO 9001:2008.


POWERSEM continues to innovate new modular power semiconductor solutions for the demanding requirements of the electronic industry and provides excellent quality and reliability. The basis for this High-Tech integrations, using Multiple Chip Technology (MCT) and a single package module, provides the customer with a complete solution. In order to achieve these goals, a continuous investment in automated production and quality control is being constantly made: - Power Modules - Chips - DCBs/DBCs

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